Katie Mallard - Director
After leading drum workshops for 18 years Katie has developed teaching style that is energetic and compassionate, allowing participants to really develop their skills let themselves go into the hypnotic rhythms.
Katie’s musical journey started by learning the electronic organ as a child and then joining the percussion section of the high school orchestra. After graduating from Psychology in Cambridge Katie discovered and promptly fell in love with the energy of the local community Samba band Arco Iris. She quickly developed a passion for Brazilian beats and began to lead Cambridgeshire bands Fruity Clave and Ely Community Samba Band. After moving to West Yorkshire in 2013 Katie followed her dream of becoming a full time Community Percussionist. Katie believes that participating in music can benefit everyone but that making music with others is especially beneficial. She says “The thing I love about drumming is that anybody can do it, if you can hold a drum stick you can make music. When there is a room full of people drumming together you can real feel the energy, everybody contributing to make the whole sound together. Now that is really magical” |
Katie now Directs three Samba percussion groups